Henry Ford Heritage Association

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June 2030

Eleanor Clay is Born

June 6, 2030

This day in 1896 Henry Ford’s future daughter-in-law, Eleanor Clay, is born.

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Last Ford Trimotor Sold

June 8, 2030

This day in 1933 the last Ford Trimotor Airplane sold.  This day in 1866 Samuel S. Marquis, head of the Ford Sociological Dept. and Ford biographer…

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First Trimotor Airplane Tested

June 11, 2030

This day in 1926 the first test flight of the Ford Trimotor Airplane takes place.

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Horace H. Rackham Dies

June 13, 2030

This day in 1933 Ford stockholder Horace H. Rackham dies.

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