Henry Ford Heritage Association

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November 2029

Robert A. Boyer Dies

November 11, 2029

This day in 1989 Robert A. Boyer, Ford’s soybean lab manager, dies.

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Ernest C. Kanzier Dies

November 12, 2029

This day in 1967 Ernest C. Kanzier,  in January 1926, Ernest C. Kanzier, Edsel Ford’s brother-in-law and Ford Motor Company V.P., wrote a memorandum to Henry Ford…

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First Dodge Automobile

November 14, 2029

This day in 1914 the first Dodge Automobile rolls off the line.

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1st Airplane to land at the new Ford Airport

November 16, 2029

This day in 1924 airplane “Maiden Detroit” is the 1st to land at the new Ford Airport.

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