Henry Ford Heritage Association

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October 2025

Edison Institute Dedicated

October 21, 2025

This day in 1929 the Edison Institute is dedicated on the 50th anniversary of the  invention of the electric light bulb.

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Henry Ford becomes President

October 22, 2025

This day in 1906 Henry Ford succeeds John S. Gray as President of the Ford Motor Company. This day in 1936 James J. Couzens dies.

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Jennette Picard

October 23, 2025

This day in 1934 Jeannette Picard reaches 37,975 feet  leaving Ford Airport, setting the woman’s world altitude record.

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Barnney Oldfield Wins Cup

October 25, 2025

This day in 1902 Barney Oldfield wins the “Manufacture’s Challenge Cup” driving “999” in race at Grosse Pointe.  This day in 1864 John F. Dodge born.

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