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This day in 1924 the motorship “Henry Ford II” is launched at Lorain, OH

1924 “Henry Ford II” Launched

March 1

This day in 1924 the motorship “Henry Ford II” is launched at Lorain, OH


This day in 1944 Charles Sorenson resigns from the Ford Motor Company after 40 years.

Charles Sorenson Resigns

March 2

This day in 1944 Charles Sorenson resigns from the Ford Motor Company after 40 years.


This day in 1921 Henry Ford becomes president of of the D.T. & I Railroad.    

President of Railroad

March 4

This day in 1921 Henry Ford becomes president of of the D.T. & I Railroad.    


This day in 1896 Charles Brody King operates the 1st automobile in Detroit.

1st Automobile in Detroit

March 6

This day in 1896 Charles Brody King operates the 1st automobile in Detroit.


This day in 1932 the Ford “Hunger March” takes place near the Rouge complex.

1932 Hunger March

March 7

This day in 1932 the Ford “Hunger March” takes place near the Rouge complex.


This day in 1905 Henry Ford’s father, William, dies.

William Ford Dies

March 8

This day in 1905 Henry Ford’s father, William, dies.


This day in 1932 the Ford Motor Company introduces the V-8 Engine.    

Introducing the V-8 Engine

March 9

This day in 1932 the Ford Motor Company introduces the V-8 Engine.    


This day in 1902 Henry Ford leaves the Henry Ford Company which is renamed the Cadillac Company.

Henry Ford Leaves the Henry Ford Co.

March 10

This day in 1902 Henry Ford leaves the Henry Ford Company which is renamed the Cadillac Company.


This day in 1925 William Clay Ford, Sr. is born.

William Clay Ford, Sr. is Born

March 14

This day in 1925 William Clay Ford, Sr. is born.


This day in 1864 Carl E. Johansson, founder of the Johansson Gauge Co. (later part of the Ford Motor Company) is born in Westmanland in Sweden.

Carl E. Johansson Born

March 15

This day in 1864 Carl E. Johansson, founder of the Johansson Gauge Co. (later part of the Ford Motor Company) is born in Westmanland in Sweden.


This day in 1839 Martha Bench Bryant (Clara Ford’s mother) born in Warwickshire, England

Martha Bench Bryant Born

March 16

This day in 1839 Martha Bench Bryant (Clara Ford’s mother) born in Warwickshire, England


This day in 1804 Patrick O’Hern, Henry Ford’s maternal grandfather is born in Cork City Ireland.

Patrick O’Hern Born

March 17

This day in 1804 Patrick O’Hern, Henry Ford’s maternal grandfather is born in Cork City Ireland.


This day in 1878 Sr. Percival L. Perry, Ford Overseas Chief, is born.

Sir Percival L. Perry Born

March 18

This day in 1878 Sr. Percival L. Perry, Ford Overseas Chief, is born.


This day in 1908 Ford Dealerships get the 1st pre-production flyers of the Model T.

Pre-Production Flyers for the Model T

March 19

This day in 1908 Ford Dealerships get the 1st pre-production flyers of the Model T.


This day in 1920 production begins at Ford’s first Village Industry at Northville, MI

Village Industries Production Begins

March 20

This day in 1920 production begins at Ford’s first Village Industry at Northville, MI


This day in 1869 Albert Kahn, industrial designer, born at Rhaunen, Westphalla in Germany

Albert Kahn Born

March 21

This day in 1869 Albert Kahn, industrial designer, born at Rhaunen, Westphalla in Germany


This day in 1920 the first radio transmission from Henry Ford’s station “KDEN” is sent.

KDEN First Radio Transmission

March 22

This day in 1920 the first radio transmission from Henry Ford’s station “KDEN” is sent.


This day in 1947 is Henry Ford’s last appearance at Berry College, Rome, GA.

Last Appearance at Berry College

March 26

This day in 1947 is Henry Ford’s last appearance at Berry College, Rome, GA.


This day in 1941 construction begins at Willow Run as land is cleared and leveled.

Construction Begins at Willow Run

March 28

This day in 1941 construction begins at Willow Run as land is cleared and leveled.


This day in 1876 Henry Ford’s mother, Mary Litogot Ford, dies at the age of 37.

Mary Litogot Ford Dies

March 29

This day in 1876 Henry Ford’s mother, Mary Litogot Ford, dies at the age of 37.


This day in 1951 first surgeon of Henry Ford Hospital, Dr. Roy D. McClure, dies.

Dr. Roy D. McClure Dies

March 31

This day in 1951 first surgeon of Henry Ford Hospital, Dr. Roy D. McClure, dies.