Bylaws - Proposed1

The HFHA Board of Directors have approved the below “Proposed” By-Laws that will be voted on at the 2016 Annual Dinner on July 28th. Any comments can be e-mailed to The current HFHA By-Laws are below the Proposed By-Laws.

Adopted 1/17/1996, Amended 5/5/08, Amended 7/30/09, Amended 7/28/11, Proposed Amendments 7-28-22
The name of this organization shall be the Henry Ford Heritage Association.

The Henry Ford Heritage Association is to foster interest in the life and accomplishments of
Henry Ford and to preserve and interpret the landmarks associated with his life and family.

To promote the Henry Ford story.

The depository of this association for all its funds and collections shall be the office of the treasurer.

Members shall be open to all who are interested in the life and accomplishments of Henry Ford. There shall
be nine classes of memberships.
Sec. 1 Model T (Single) Members shall pay dues of $20.00 per annum.
Sec. 2 Model A (Family) Members of an immediate family residing in the same household shall be eligible
for family membership, and all the benefits of the Association except that only adult members of the family
may vote or hold office. Family membership dues shall be $25.00 per annum.
Sec. 3 V8 (Sustaining) Members shall be individuals, or family members who desire to pay sustaining
dues of $30.00 per annum.
Sec. 4 Truck (Business) Members shall be individuals or businesses who pay dues in the amount of
$35.00 per annum.
Sec. 5 Lincoln (Contributing) Members shall be individuals, or family members who desire to pay dues of
$75.00 or more per annum.
Sec. 6 Automobile (Dealership) This membership will be available to automobile dealerships only who desire
to pay dues of $100 or more per annum.  This membership level will also include 5 copies of the Legend
newsletter every time published to any authorized Ford Motor Company Dealership.
Sec. 7 Honorary On nominations of the Board of Directors, the Association may vote to give honorary
membership to individuals whom they wish to honor for a term of one year. Honorary members shall pay no
dues and are eligible for all benefits of the Association except voting and holding office.
The membership chair shall present a list of all Honorary members annually to the Board of Directors for
review. The Board of Directors shall vote on the revised list of past Honorary members to extend the
memberships for one year.
Sec. 8 Henry Ford (Lifetime) Member shall pay a one-time lump sum of $1,000.00. Individuals will remain a
member in good standing of the Henry Ford Heritage Association with all benefits of membership for the
remainder of his/her life. Lifetime membership is non-transferable and non-refundable.
Sec. 9 Ford Motor Company (Legacy) Member shall pay a total of $5,000.00 or greater. Individuals will remain a
member in good standing of the Henry Ford Heritage Association with all benefits of membership for the
remainder of his/her life. Legacy membership is non-transferable and non-refundable.
Sec. 10 All dues shall be due and payable January 1 of each year, and expire on December 31, of the same
year to coincide with the fiscal year as stated in Article XVII.

The officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Sec. 1. Duties of the officers shall be those commonly imposed and not inconsistent with these by-laws.
Sec. 2. The President shall preside at meetings of the Association and of the board of directors, shall call
meetings of the board, shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee,
without a vote and shall nominate individuals for vacant Board positions, for the Boards approval, until
the next election.
Sec. 3. The Vice President shall carry on the duties in the absents of the president.
Sec. 4. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings at meetings of the Association and the
board of directors. A Recording Secretary may be appointed by the Board for the sole purpose of taking
Board meeting minutes, the Recording Secretary does not have to be a member of the Board.
Sec. 5. The Treasurer shall pay bills as authorized by the Association or the Board of Directors, keep an
accurate account of receipts and disbursements and the financial position of the Association, and make
regular reports.
Sec. 6. At the end of a term of office, each officer shall be responsible for turning over to the succeeding
officer all records and other Association property.

Sec. 1. There shall be a board of directors consisting of the officers and seven elected directors, all for a two (2)
year term.
Sec. 2. The board of directors shall have the power to carry on the function of the Association between
business meetings of the Association, plan programs, arrange special meetings of the Association,
create necessary committees, complete work of committees, complete unfinished business left from
Association meetings and fill vacancies among its elected members until the next election annual meeting.
Sec. 3. The board of directors shall establish and maintain a list of policies concerning the work of the
Association and the methods in which it is carried out. The Board members may change any policy
by a vote of six (6) board members.
Sec. 4. It shall be the responsibility of the board of directors to prepare and approve an annual budget
prior to the first regular Board meeting of the Association after the beginning of the fiscal year.
Sec. 5. A majority of the board of directors shall constitute a quorum. (6 board members)
It takes 6 votes to pass a policy, motion or a proposal. Phone and Internet votes, by the president are acceptable
between board meetings. The secretary must record the results of the phone/internet vote at the next scheduled
Board meeting. The president’s vote does not count for phone/internet votes.
Sec. 6. A minimum of two (2) meetings of the board of directors shall be held each year, on the call of the president.
usually held in the Spring and the Fall of each year.


Sec. 1 The directors (11) shall be elected by paper or electronic ballot of the general membership. Paper ballots
will be mailed in time to the membership for them to be returned before the annual meeting or notified at least 30
days in advance on how to vote electronically
for a two (2) year term.
Sec. 2 Any individual that runs for a position of the Board of Directors must be a member in good standing of the HFHA for a minimum of two (2) years.
Sec. 3 The newly elected directors will take office at the first scheduled Board of Directors meeting following their election.
Sec. 4 The officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary & Treasurer) will be elected by the Board of Directors at the first scheduled Board of Directors meeting following the election.
Sec. 5 Two or more individuals of the same membership may hold individual Board seats with all of voting rights and privileges at Board meetings, although during a general meeting, special meeting or election votes only one vote per membership.
Sec. 6 A quorum of the general membership (ten memberships) must be represented for a valid election.
Sec. 7 The President may fill a vacant Board of Director seat, including Officers, for the remaining term of office by nominating an individual that has been a member in good standing of the HFHA for a minimum of two (2) years with Board approval.

The Association may compensate individuals for work performed with prior Board approval.
Sec. 1 All individual compensation must be approved in the annual budget, excluding the Speakers Bureau committee.
Sec. 2 Elected Board members, including Officers, are not eligible for any compensation excluding if they are on the Speakers Bureau committee.
Sec. 3 The Treasurer is required to report and file all the necessary paperwork on all compensation to individual(s) over the minimum required by the US Internal Revenue Service annually.
There shall be these standing committees as follows and Committee Chairperson(s), Editor(s) and Staff will be appointed by the President with the Editor(s) & Staff being approved by the Board. Only the Board has the authority to terminate a Chairperson(s), Editor(s) or Staff. The President may not hold a committee chairperson role without the approval of the Board. Any Committee Chair or member being compensated for work performed will be considered Staff excluding working on the Speakers Bureau Committee.
Sec. 1 The Membership committee is be responsible for keeping an accurate record of all members in good
standing, present a report at the board meetings and annually present a list of honorary members for revision.
Sec. 2 The By-Laws committee is responsible for revising and up-dating the by-laws and policies with the direction
and approval from the Board.
Sec. 3 The Nominating committee is responsible for creating a slate during an election year, to present the
proposed slate to the Board of Directors for approval before the annual membership meeting. The chair is
responsible to oversee the elections, verify that the election is valid per these by-laws, count the ballots and
present the results to the president and the Board.
Sec. 4 The Program committee is responsible is to present a list of possible locations for annual trips for Board
approval. Responsible for presenting a list of possible speakers and location for the annual dinner for Board
approval. Organize and coordinate annual trips and the annual dinner that are approved by the Board.
Also be responsible for producing and sending the notices for the upcoming Association meetings and field trips.
Sec. 5 The Award committee shall be responsible to present a list of possible candidates annually for Board approval that the Association could acknowledge for fostering interest in the life and accomplishments of Henry Ford, and or preserving landmarks associated with his life and family.
Sec. 6 The Recruitment committee is responsible to research and implement new ways to generate new
membership with approval from the Board.
Sec. 7 The Project committee shall be responsible to research appropriate places to give money for specific
items that the Board will approve. If members give gifts of money to the project the committee will be
responsible to send an acknowledgement to the member. Money can only be given to organizations that
are tax exempt under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Sec. 8 The Newsletter committee shall be responsible for all publication aspects of the official Henry Ford Heritage Association newsletter, THE FORD LEGEND. The Newsletter Editor shall produce three (3) newsletters per year. These shall be the issues known as, Spring (ready for mailing no later than March 15th), Summer (ready to be mailed no later than June 15th), and Fall (ready to be mailed no later than November 15th). Newsletter Editor(s) shall be appointed by the President with the Board’s approval and are not subject to term limits. The Newsletter Editor may not hold a Board position. The Newsletter Assistant Editor, if they do not take any compensation for work performed, may run for any position except President or Vice President.
Sec. 9 The Web Site committee shall be responsible for all aspects of the Official Henry Ford Heritage Association Web Site and Social Media sites.
Sec. 10 The Speakers Bureau committee shall be responsible to recruit, organize and train volunteers to take approved Ford talks out to the community. The committee chair is responsible to assign speakers and negotiate all fees and before the approved talk is scheduled. Committee members, including elected Board members may only be compensated for time and mileage.

Sec. 1 At least one business meeting of the Association shall be held each year on the date or dates set by the
President. Dates of other meetings shall also be set by the President.
Sec. 2 The annual meeting shall be held in July, at which time reports concerning the previous year shall be given
to members, elected officers and directors held, and other necessary business carried out.
Sec. 3 Special meetings of the Association may be called by the President on a minimum of one (1) month’s (30 days) notice to the general membership by mail.
Sec. 4 Ten members in good standing shall constitute a quorum.

Sec. 1 At the Board of Directors meetings six (6) members constitutes a quorum.
Sec. 2 At the Board of Directors meetings it takes six (6) votes to pass a policy proposal or a motion.
Sec. 3 Phone and Internet votes, by the President are acceptable between board meetings. The secretary must
record the results of the phone/internet vote at the next scheduled board meeting . The Presidents vote does not
count for phone/internet votes.

Sec 1. To remove an Officer, Director, Committee Chair, Staff or an Editor from the HFHA (3) Officers must agree and move to have the individual to be removed from the position. Then (6) members of the Board, including the (3) Officers, must vote to have the individual removed from the position.
Sec. 2. Phone/Internet voting is not permissible when attempting to remove an Officer, Director, Committee Chair,
Staff or an Editor.

Money and Gifts valued over $200.00 can only be given to organizations that are tax exempt under
Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Board shall authorize and ensure completion of an internal annual financial review. The review will take place within 90 days of the fiscal year end.

The Association’s fiscal year shall run from January 1st to December 31st of the same year.

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to
witch they are applicable and in witch they are not inconsistent with the by-laws or special rules of
order of this Association.

These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the members at any general or special meeting provided that the membership be advised of the proposed changes at a minimum of thirty (30) days before such meeting.

In the event of dissolution, all assets, real and personal, shall be turned over to an organization determined by
the board of directors to be most nearly able to carry out the purposes of the Association, provided that the
organization is qualified as tax exempt under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or
corresponding provisions of a future United States Internal Revenue Law.

These are the current HFHA By-Laws:

Henry Ford Heritage Association – Bylaws

Adopted 1/17/1996
Amended 5/5/08

Last revision: 8/11/11

The name of this organization shall be the Henry Ford Heritage Association.


The purpose of the Henry Ford Heritage Association is to foster interest in the life and accomplishments of
Henry Ford and to preserve and interpret the landmarks associated with his life and family.

The depository of this association for all its funds and collections shall be the office of the treasurer.

Members shall be open to all who are interested in the life and accomplishments of Henry Ford. There shall
be six classes of memberships.
Sec. 1. Model T (Single) Members shall pay dues of $15.00 per annum.
Sec. 2. Model A (Family) Members of an immediate family residing in the same household shall be eligible
for family membership, and all the benefits of the Association except that only adult members of the family
may vote or hold office. Family membership dues shall be $25.00 per annum.
Sec. 3. V8 (Sustaining) Members shall be individuals, or family members who desire to pay sustaining
dues of $30.00 per annum.
Sec. 4. Truck (Business) Members shall be individuals or businesses who pay dues in the amount of
$35.00 per annum.
Sec. 5. Lincoln (Contributing) Members shall be individuals, or family members who desire to pay dues of
$75.00 or more per annum.
Sec. 6. Automobile (Dealership) This membership will be available to automobile dealerships only who desire
to pay dues of $100 or more per annum. This membership level will also include 5 copies of the Legend
newsletter every time published.
Sec. 7. Honorary On nominations of the Board of Directors, the Association may vote to give honorary
membership to individuals whom they wish to honor for a term of one year. Honorary members shall pay no
dues and are eligible for all benefits of the Association except voting and holding office.
The membership chair shall present a list of all Honorary members annually to the Board of Directors for
review. The Board of Directors shall vote on the revised list of past Honorary members to extend the
memberships for one year.
Sec. 8. Henry Ford (Lifetime) Member shall pay a one-time lump sum of $1,000.00. Individuals will remain a
member in good standing of the Henry Ford Heritage Association with all benefits of membership for the
remainder of his/her life. Lifetime membership is non-transferable and non-refundable.
Sec. 9. All dues shall be due and payable January 1 of each year, and expire on December 31, of the same
year to coincide with the fiscal year as stated in Article XVI.

The officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Sec. 1. Duties of the officers shall be those commonly imposed and not inconsistent with these by-laws.
Sec. 2. The president shall preside at meetings of the Association and of the board of directors, shall call
meetings of the board, shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee,
without a vote and shall nominate individuals for vacant Board positions, for the Boards approval, until
the next election.
Sec. 3. The vice president shall carry on the duties in the absents of the president and shall assist the
program chair.
Sec. 4. The secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings at meetings of the Association and the
board of directors.
Sec. 5. The treasurer shall pay bills as authorized by the Association or the board of directors, keep an
accurate account of receipts and disbursements and the financial position of the Association, and make
regular reports.
Sec. 6. At the end of a term of office, each officer shall be responsible for turning over to the succeeding
officer all records and other Association property.

Sec. 1. There shall be a board of directors consisting of the officers and seven elected directors, all for a two
year term. The HFHA Editor and Web Site Editor shall be an ex-officio member without a vote,
if compensation is taken for services rendered.
Sec. 2. The board of directors shall have the power to carry on the function of the Association between
business meetings of the Association, plan programs, arrange special meetings of the Association,
create necessary committees, complete work of committees, complete unfinished business left from
Association meetings and fill vacancies among its elected members until the next election annual meeting.
Sec. 3. The board of directors shall establish and maintain a list of policies concerning the work of the
Association and the methods in which it is carried out. The Board members may change any policy
by a vote of six (6) board members.
Sec. 4. It shall be the responsibility of the board of directors to prepare and approve an annual budget
prior to the first regular Board meeting of the Association after the beginning of the fiscal year.
Sec. 5. A majority of the board of directors shall constitute a quorum. (6 board members)
It takes 6 votes to pass a policy, motion or a proposal. Phone and Internet votes, by the president are acceptable
between board meetings. The secretary must record the results of the phone/internet vote at the next scheduled
Board meeting. The president’s vote does not count for phone/internet votes.
Sec. 6. At least two meetings of the board of directors shall be held each year, on the call of the president.
usually held in the Spring and the Fall of each year.

There shall be these standing committees as follows and Committee chairpersons will be appointed by the
Sec. 1 The Membership Secretary is responsible for keeping an accurate record of all members in good
standing, present a report at the board meetings and annually present a list of honorary members for revision.
Sec. 2 The By-Laws committee is responsible for revising and up-dating the by-laws with the direction of the
Sec. 3 The Nominating committee is responsible for creating a slate during an election year, to present the
proposed slate to the Board of Directors for approval before the annual membership meeting. The chair is
responsible to oversee the elections, verify that the election is valid per these by-laws, count the ballots and
present the results to the president and the Board.
Sec. 4 The Program committee is responsible is to present a list of possible locations for annual trips for Board
approval. Responsible for presenting a list of possible speakers and location for the annual dinner for Board
approval. Organize and coordinate annual trips and the annual dinner that are approved by the Board.
Sec. 5 The Award committee shall be responsible to keep a list of possible candidates that the Board could
acknowledge for fostering interest in the life and accomplishments of Henry Ford, and or preserving landmarks
associated with his life.
Sec. 6 The Recruitment committee is responsible to research and implement new ways to generate new
membership with approval from the Board.
Sec. 7 The Project committee shall be responsible to research appropriate places to give money for specific
items that the Board will approve. If members give gifts of money to the project the committee will be
responsible to send an acknowledgement to the member. Money can only be given to organizations that
are tax exempt under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Sec. 1 There shall be (1) position of Newsletter Editor and (1) position of Assistant Newsletter Editor.
The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for all Publication aspects of the Official Henry Ford Heritage
Association Newsletter, THE FORD LEGEND. The Assistant Newsletter Editor will assist the Editor
Sec. 2 The Newsletter Editor(s) shall be appointed by the President with the Board’s approval for a one year term.
This will take place at the fall board of directors meeting. These positions are not subject to term limits.
Sec. 3 The Newsletter Editor(s) may be paid for editorial services. Pay will be negotiated with the newsletter
Editor(s), and voted on by the Board on a yearly basis.
Sec. 4 If the appointed newsletter editor(s) do not take any compensation for work performed the editor may
run for a Director position but may not run for an Officer position.

Sec. 1 There shall be (1) position of Web Site Editor. The Web Site Editor shall be responsible for all
aspects of the Official Henry Ford Heritage Association Web Site.
Sec. 2 The Web Site Editor shall be appointed by the President with the Board’s approval for a one year term.
This will take place at the fall board of directors meeting. This position is not subject to term limits.
Sec. 3 The Web Site Editor may be paid for web services. Pay will be negotiated with the web site
editor, and voted on by the Board on a yearly basis.
Sec. 4 If the appointed web site editor does not take any compensation for work performed the editor may
run for a Director position but may not run for a Officer position.
Sec. 5 The Web Site Editor shall be responsible to produce all electronic advertisements to be put on
electronic media.

Sec. 1 All officers and directors shall be elected by ballot. Ballots will be mailed in time to the membership for them to be returned before the annual meeting for a two (2) year term
Sec. 2 A quorum of the membership must be represented for a valid election.
Sec. 3 Officers and directors will take office on August 1st following their election.

Sec. 1 At least one business meeting of the Association shall be held each year on the date or dates set by the
President. Dates of other meetings shall also be set by the President.
Sec. 2 The annual meeting shall be held in July, at which time reports concerning the previous year shall be given
to members, elected officers and directors held, and other necessary business carried out.
Sec. 3 Special meetings of the Association may be called by the President on one week’s notice to members
or by notice at the previous business meeting.
Sec. 4 Ten members shall constitute a quorum.

Sec. 1 At the Board of Directors meetings six (6) members constitutes a quorum.
Sec. 2 At the Board of Directors meetings it takes six (6) votes to pass a policy proposal or a motion.
Sec. 3 Phone and Internet votes, by the President are acceptable between board meetings. The secretary must
record the results of the phone/internet vote at the next scheduled board meeting . The Presidents vote does not
count for phone/internet votes.

Sec 1. To remove an Officer, Director, Membership Secretary or an Editor from the HFHA (3) Officers must agree and move to have the individual to be removed from the position. Then (6) members of the Board, including the (3) Officers, must vote to have the individual removed from the position.
Sec. 2. Phone/Internet voting is not permissible when attempting to remove an Officer, Director, Membership Secretary or an Editor.

The Board has the authorization to allocate excess funds for approved projects. Money and Gifts valued over $100.00 can only be given to organizations that are tax exempt under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Board shall authorize an internal annual financial review. The review will take place within 90 days
of the fiscal year end.

The Association’s fiscal year shall run from January 1st to December 31st of the same year.

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to
witch they are applicable and in witch they are not inconsistent with the by-laws or special rules of
order of this Association.

These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the members at any meeting provided the wording
of the proposed changes have been sent in writing to each member ten days before such meeting.

ART. XIX In the event of dissolution, all assets, real and personal, shall be turned over to an organization determined by
the board of directors to be most nearly able to carry out the purposes of the Association, provided that the
organization is qualified as tax exempt under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or
corresponding provisions of a future United States Internal Revenue Law.


Henry Ford Heritage Association – Image Copyright and Credit
Some of the images used in this site and all the photographs on this page,
are from The Collections of The Henry Ford, Copy and Reuse Restrictions Apply,
Others come from private collections and were donated for use in the site.

Henry Ford Heritage Association – Board of Directors Policies

Up-dated Jan 10th, 2011

DATE: January 10, 2011 (Approved)

TOPIC: Board & Committee Chair Responsibilities


Board Members
Maintain, abide by and enforce the By-Laws, Polices and Rules of the Henry Ford Heritage Association.
Approve annual budget.
Approve and cancel all contracts.
Approve all non budgeted funds.
Approve all Presidential Board vacancy nominations.
Approve Newsletter Editor & Membership Secretary nominations.
Oversight of all elected and Board appointed positions.
Return all Association property and materials to the Association when no longer functioning as Board Member.

Set all meeting dates.
Notify all Board members of meeting dates.
Notify all members of general meeting dates.
Nominates individuals for vacant Board positions, Membership Secretary & Newsletter Editor for Board Approval
Appoints and removes all Committee Chairpersons.
Web Site
Oversees all committees except Nominating.
Has no oversight responsibilities to elected and Board appointed positions. Report all issues or concerns to the Board for resolution.
Approves Board members access to the PO Box.
Approves all event refunds.
Coordinate the Annual Birthday Dinner
The President shall not hold a committee chair position without approval from the Board.
Return all Association property and materials to the Association when no longer functioning as President.

Vice President
Shall carry out the duties of the President in the absents of the President.
Official duties shall be determined by the President.
Shall assist with the Program Chair.
Oversight of Nominating committee.
Return all Association property and materials to the Association when no longer functioning as Vice President

Create an annual budget for the Board to approve at the fall meeting.
Collect and deposit dues, program fees, gifts and any other funds.
Report all dues information to Membership Secretary.
Pay bills in accordance to the By-Laws and Policies of the Association.
Get prior Board approval to disburse any non budgeted funds
Keep accurate records and create reports for the Legend Newsletter and for the Board members at Board meeting.
Be available to answer any financial questions from any member of the association and accountant.
Provide all necessary financial information to the accountant on an annual basis.
Choose the financial institution with the Boards approval.
Authorizes Board members to have access to the Association funds. (example: signers on bank accounts)
Report ANY financial concerns to the Board.
Return all Association property and materials to the Association when no longer functioning as Treasurer

Recording of minutes at all meetings
Maintain all association records.
Return all Association property and materials to the Association when no longer functioning as Secretary.

Membership Secretary
Maintain Membership Database
Print membership information for mailings
Send out new member packets
Create reports for the Legend Newsletter and for the Board members at Board meeting.
Be available to answer any questions regarding membership to any Board member.
Return all Association property and materials to the Association when no longer functioning as Membership Secretary

Newsletter Editor
Produce 3 annual newsletters
Adhere to the deadlines in the By-Laws
Recruit members for the newsletter committee
Hold newsletter committee meetings
Coordinate articles and pictures for the newsletter
Coordinate with the layout person to meet deadline.
Coordinate with printer to meet deadline.
Approve final proof for quality and accuracy before printing.
Assign the Assistant Newsletter Editor’s responsibilities.
Coordinate mailing distribution meeting.
Have working knowledge of USPS 3rd class mail procedures.
Coordinate delivery to post office.
Return all Association property and materials to the Association when no longer functioning as Newsletter Editor.

Assistant Newsletter Editor
Responsibilities assigned by the Newsletter Editor.
Return all Association property and materials to the Association when no longer functioning as the Assistant Newsletter Editor.

Recruiting members to the Nominating committee.
Hold Nominating committee meetings.
Present slate to the Board at the spring meeting on an election year.
Return all Association property and materials to the Association when no longer functioning as Nominating Chair.

Coordinate two annual trips
Spring Trip
Fall Trip
Assist with the coordination of the Annual Birthday Dinner
Recruit members for the program committee
Hold program committee meetings
Create a budget for each event and submit it to the Treasurer 2 months prior to the event.
Abide by all Board polices that apply to events.
Produce all promotional materials
Coordinate printing of all promotional materials
Coordinate mailing of all promotional materials
Coordinate sending of all promotional materials in electronic format to the Web Site Administrator for posting.
Coordinate collection of all event registrations
All funds collected delivered to the Treasurer for deposit.
Return all Association property and materials to the Association when no longer functioning as Program Chair

Make recommendations to the Board on possible By-Law changes.
Recruiting members to the By-Law committee.
Hold By-Law committee meetings.
Return all Association property and materials to the Association when no longer functioning as By-Law Chair.

Make recommendations to the Board on for the four annual awards
Friend of Ford
Article Award
Book Award
Service Award
Recruiting members to the Award committee.
Hold Award committee meetings.
Return all Association property and materials to the Association when no longer functioning as Award Chair.

Recruiting members to the Recruitment committee.
Hold Recruitment committee meetings.
Return all Association property and materials to the Association when no longer functioning as Recruitment Chair.

Make recommendations to the Board on potential projects.
Recruiting members to the Project committee.
Coordinate promotional materials.
Coordinate printing of promotional materials.
Submit promotional materials to the newsletter editor and web Site administrator.
Hold Recruitment committee meetings.
Return all Association property and materials to the Association when no longer functioning as Project Chair.

T-Plex Representative
Attend monthly T-Plex Board meetings
Board Members are expected to be at the plant at least one Saturday a month during the months that the plant is open each year (May – October).
Abide by all Board polices that apply to the T-Plex Represenative.
Be responsible to make a report to HFHA Board at least once a year.
Return all Association property and materials to the Association when no longer functioning as T-Plex representative.

Web Site
Work with the web site administrator to keep the web site up to date.
Bring web site concerns to the Boards attention.
Abide by all Board polices that apply to the web site.
Return all Association property and materials to the Association when no longer functioning as Web Site Chair.

DATE: May 5, 2010 (Approved)

TOPIC: HFHA – Promoting Non-HFHA Materials

BODY: The HFHA is a non-profit organization so it must be careful in advertising, promoting or indorsing any non-HFHA materials. The association may not collect any financial compensation for promoting or advertising any Non-HFHA materials.

Legend – Advertising, promoting or indorsing of non-HFHA materials may not be printed in the HFHA Legend.

Legend Insert – An insert may be included in the Legend newsletter mailing with the following conditions:
1. The individual requesting the insert is a member of the HFHA and has been a member in good standing for 2 years.
2. A copy of the material must be provided at no cost to the association for a review of accuracy.
3. If the material is approved for accuracy and has Board approval then the individual must provide at no cost to the association X number of copies of the insert, no more than one page (8 ½ x 11) double sided, to the association.

The HFHA Board has the right to refuse any request for any reason.

Web Site – See web site policy

DATE: May 2, 2011 (Approved)

TOPIC: Awards Policy – Revised

Friend of Ford Award – Any individual and organization who has made a significant contribution which supports the Association’s Mission of “Fostering interest in the life and accomplishments of Henry Ford, and to preserve and interpret the landmarks associated with his life”.

Book Award – Any individual or organization who has written a book relating to the life of Henry Ford or landmarks from his life. (Any book published within the past 2 years would be eligible.)

Article Award – Any individual or organization who has a published articles relating to the life of Henry Ford or landmarks from his life. (Any article published within the past 2 years would be eligible.)

Service Award – To honor any member of the HFHA that has made a significant contribution to the HFHA by volunteering their time or talent.

Deadline – The Awards committee must bring all nominations to the Spring Board meeting, normally held in May, for Board approval. All awards will be given at the annual birthday dinner.
DATE: January 7, 2008 (Amended & Re-approved on 10-7-09)
TOPIC: Sponsored Programs (Spring Trip – Annual Dinner – Fall Trip – Fund Raising)

BODY: To be compliant with our 501 (c) (3) tax status our accountant has recommended that all line items that pertain to our three sponsored programs be removed from the HFHA Budget.

The Association will front any cost associated with these programs & merchandise including
deposits, materials, printing, postage, etc with the understanding that these costs will be incorporated in the program fee or selling price.

Any money raised, over the program cost & any other non-membership income, will be accounted for separately and placed in a “Program Account”. If a deficits accrue, on any of the three sponsored programs or merchandise, the money will be taken out of the “Program Account” and not the general association funds.

At any time the Board of Directors can vote to move any and all funds out of the “Program Account” into the general fund but at no time can any Association funds be moved into the “Program Account” or pay for any sponsored program deficits.

The Treasurer will be responsible to report on the final financial tallies for each program and the balance of the “Program Account” to the Board of Directors.

DATE: September 17, 2007 (Approved)
TOPIC: HFHA President Fund Guidelines

BODY: The President of the Henry Ford Heritage Association will have a line item in the budget. The amount of money allocated in this line item will be approved by the Board of Directors. This money is allocated so that the President can purchase small items without getting special approval from the Board of Directors. These funds are for the purpose of, but not limited to, tokens of appreciation, sympathy, get well and membership growth as the President sees fit. All purchases shall be in accordance with the HFHA By-Laws.
DATE: January 7, 2008 (Approved)
TOPIC: Membership

BODY: All Membership Dues are due and payable by January 1st of each calendar year and expire on December 31st of the same year.

All New Member dues received on or before July 31st will be applied to the current calendar year with all membership rights and privileges. All New Member dues received after July 31st will be applied to the following calendar year and will receive all current remaining calendar year rights and privileges.

All current members not paid on or before July 31st will be removed from the roster, newsletter mailing and membership rights suspended.

If a suspended member renews their membership, membership rights and privileges start immediately upon receipt of dues. Any past newsletters sent out while the member was suspended will be subjected to published fees.

DATE: January 7, 2008 (Approved)
TOPIC: HFHA – Event Refund Policy

BODY: The Program Committee and the Treasurer would like to propose the following guidelines for refunding reservation monies at all HFHA sponsored programs.

We propose that a $10.00 cancellation fee be applied if the Association writes a check back to an individual if the cancellation occurs up to 2 weeks before the event. If the cancellation occurs less than 2 weeks before the event or if the individual(s) fail to attend the event, no refund will be issued.

The statement “All cancellations prior to two weeks before the scheduled event will be subjected to a $10.00 cancellation fee. All cancellations less than two weeks before the event or if the individual(s) fail to attend the event, no refund will be issued.” will be placed on all promotional materials for all HFHA sponsored programs.

The President has the authority to exempt any member or individual from this policy for any reason at any time.

DATE: January 7, 2008 (Approved)
TOPIC: HFHA – Web Site Policy

BODY: The HFHA Web Site may only be used for official Association business and must conform to all HFHA By-Laws. Items that promote the Association such as; membership information and application, upcoming and past sponsored event information, current board members, awards, landmarks, newsletter information and the Henry Ford story shall be posted on the Web Site and be kept current.

The Web Site will also have a list of links to other web sites that are relevant to Henry Ford. All of these links must be approved by the Board of Directors before they can be posted on our Web Site. A statement must be made on all pages that have links that “the HFHA does not endorse any commercial sites” and “Such links are included for informational purposes only”.

Web Sites for Profit – with Board approval, links promoting material for purchase can be placed on the links page. The material being sold must exemplify the ideals set down in the HFHA mission statement. Individuals or corporations requesting a “Web Site for Profit” link must maintain a “Truck” membership level or higher while the link is posted on our site. Any graphics or logos placed on our site shall be provided at no cost to the Association or be easily obtained off the internet.

DATE: January 7. 2008 (Approved)
TOPIC: T-Plex / Piquette Plant Board Representative

BODY: The HFHA holds a permanent seat on the T-Plex Board of Directors. The T-Plex By-Law regarding this issue is as follows:

The Henry Ford Heritage Association will have a permanent seat on the T-Plex board. The Henry Ford Heritage Association board will choose an individual to fill this T-Plex board seat. The Henry Ford Heritage Association board will determine how long its representative will serve independent of any term limits set by T-Plex. The T-Plex board must receive approval from the HFHA Board if it wishes to have this individual replaced.

Requirements for this position are to attend monthly Board meetings and Board Members are expected to be at the plant at least one Saturday a month during the months that the plant is open each year (May – October).

The HFHA Board will appoint (1) individual for a two year term, no term limits apply. The individual must have been a member in good standing with the HFHA for two consecutive years and maintain a membership in good standing with the HFHA for as long as they hold this position. It will be the responsibility of this representative to make a report to HFHA Board at least once a year.

It takes a majority vote of the HFHA Board to approve and remove this appointment.

DATE: May 5, 2008 (Approved)

TOPIC: Board Member Expectations

BODY: The following are the expectations of a HFHA Board Member:

Member in Good Standing: All Board members must maintain their annual membership for as long as they hold a HFHA Board position.

Board Meetings: Board members are expected to attend 3 annual Board meetings; Winter, Spring and in the Fall.

Sponsored Events: Board members should make every effort to attend the 2 annual field trips and the annual Birthday dinner.

Sub-Committee: Each Board member is expected to sit on at least 1 sub-committee.

A Board member can be removed if 3 Officers can agree that the member is not fulfilling the above expectations with the Boards approval. (See Article XIII of the HFHA By-Laws)

DATE: September 15, 2008 (Approved)

TOPIC: Past Presidents

BODY: Inviting past Presidents to be involved with the HFHA in an advisory capacity:

As acknowledgement of our Past Presidents service to the Henry Ford Heritage Association, we would like to invite any Past President to attend Board Meetings in an advisory roll.

Past Presidents will have the ability to comment on issues being addressed by the HFHA Board during regular Board Meetings. The current President will be responsible for notifying Past Presidents of upcoming Board Meeting times and locations.

Past Presidents will not have a vote during regular Board Meetings.

Past Presidents will have no obligation to attend HFHA Board Meetings.

Past Presidents must remain a “Member in Good Standing” to attend HFHA Board Meetings.

DATE: January 5, 2009 (Approved)
TOPIC: Member in Good Standing


Members: To be eligible to vote at a General Membership meeting or run for a HFHA Board Position, the Member must be a “Member in Good Standing” by paying his or her membership dues prior to an election or vote.

Board Members: To be eligible to Vote at a General Membership Meeting or Board Meeting, a Board Member must have paid his or her membership dues no later than the Spring Board Meeting of each year.

The Membership Secretary will report at the beginning of each Spring Board Meeting to acknowledge any Board Member not being a “Member in Good Standing”.

If an Elected Board Member attends the Spring Board Meeting and is not a “Member in Good Standing”, that Member cannot Vote and is not included in the count of a quorum. The Board Members voting rights will be suspended until verification of dues receipt.

Board Members must maintain a “Family” membership level or higher to hold a Board Position.
DATE: January 5, 2009 (Approved)
TOPIC: Qualifications for Board Members


To be eligible to hold a Board of Directors or an Officers Seat individuals must have been a member in good standing of the Henry Ford Heritage Association for a minimum of two consecutive years prior to election.

Two or more individuals of the same membership may hold individuals Board seats with all voting rights and privileges at Board meetings, although during a general meeting vote or election only one vote per membership.

Board Members must maintain a “Family” membership level or higher to hold a Board Position.

DATE: May 18, 2009 (Approved )
TOPIC: International Membership Mailing Policy


Over the last few years the United States Postal Service has required us to fill an ever increasing amount of paperwork in order to send you our newsletters. Despite filling out that paperwork, the United States Postal Service is unwilling to guarantee that it will get to you. Add that to the rising cost of postage and the process is becoming increasingly cost prohibitive!

Our desire is that our International Members receive their newsletters in a timely manner.
After much research the internet and e-mail is our best solution to this problem. We now have the capability to e-mail our newsletters and soon we will be able to offer them to all members on our web site. We would also be able to eliminate the $10.00 postage that we charge to our International Members.

The HFHA will no longer use the United States Postal Service to communicate with our International Member’s.

DATE: January 13, 2010 (Approved)

TOPIC: Field Trip Mailing Policy


Currently the association sends a first class mailing to every member for every field trip. The current rate for first class postage is $.44 x 600 members is $264.00 per event. Also we have additional costs to print the invitation. History has shown us that members that live far away rarely attend our two field trips.

The HFHA will only send field trip invitations to members in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, and Wisconsin. The field trip invitation will also be posted on the web site for members outside the above state to know where we are going and be able to print it and mail it in if they want to attend.